The Genuine and Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
The celebrated Warlike, Learned and Authentic
[also known as 'Maynard's Flavius']
by George Henry Maynard, LL. D.
Illustrated with marginal references, and Notes Historical, Biographical, Classical, Critical, Geographical and Explanatory
By the Rev. Edward Kimpton, Vicar of Rogate in Sussex...
LONDON: Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater-noster Row
[undated, but known to be 1785-1792]
Original copperplate engravings over 230 years old on beautiful chain-laid 18th century paper!
Sheet size: generally 8.75 x 14.125 inches (about 22 x 36 cm) though some trimming may have occured.
Image size varies. Please click on thumbnail images below to assess condition of each plate. |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Frontispiece to Maynard's Josephus |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Genesis Chap. 1: The Six Days Work of the Creation |
Artist/engraver unknown |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Adam and Eve in Paradise |
Artist: Moreau
Engraver: Scot |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
An exact representation of Solomon's Temple |
$50 |
Artist and
Engraver: unsigned |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Hilkiah and Shaphan presenting to King Josiah the Book of the Law of Moses, which had been found in the Temple |
Artist: Stothard
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Jerusalem taken and burnt, and its Inhabitants carried into Captivity by Nebuchadnezzar |
Artist: Luykin
Engraver: Neagle |
(see stain) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Prophet Daniel in the Lion's Den |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Heath |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Manasseh King of Judah Released from Captivity, by order of the King of Babylon |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Tookey |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Queen Esther fainting before King Artaxerxes |
Artist and
Engraver: unsigned |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
King Artaxerxes presenting to Mordecai the Ring which he had formerly entrusted with the treacherous Haman, as a token of his royal Favours |
Artist: Sharpe
Engraver: Warner |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Josephus brought before the Emperor Vespasian, who orders him to be restored to Liberty, his Chains to be broken, and afterwards confers on him great Honours and Reward |
Artist: Ramberg
Engraver: Tookey |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Daughter of Eleazar during the Siege and Famine at Jerusalem, after having killed her Sucking Infant, and eaten a part of it to prevent herself from perishing, Offering the remains to the persecuting Band who had entered her House to demand her Provisions |
Artist: Corbould
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Magnificent Triumph of Titus after the Reduction of Jerusalem |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Neagle |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Death of Aristobulus King of the Jews |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Antigonus King of the Jews Beheaded at Antioch by order of Anthony |
Artist: C. Cooke
Engraver: Grignion |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Herod reproached by Mariamne for his Cruelty, whom he throws from his Arms with scorn and indignation -- falsely accuses her with inconstancy and orders her put to death |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Page |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Tyro vindicating the Innocence of Herod's two Sons, Alexander & Aristobulus, whom the Tyrant afterwards put to Death, on false Accusation. |
Artist: T. West
Engraver: Tookey |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
King Solomon's First Sacrifice (after finishing the Holy Temple consumed on the Altar by Fire from Heaven, in token of the Divine approbation of that great Event |
Artist: Luykin
Engraver: Grignion |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Idolatry and Apostacy of Jeroboam, King of Israel, which was followed by the death of his favourite Son, and the dreadful Calamities of his Subjects |
Artist: C. Cooke
Engraver: Grignion |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Ahab King of Israel Slain in his Chariot by an Arrow at the Battle of Ramoth-gilead |
Artist &
Engraver: unsigned |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Prophet Elias carried up to Heaven in a fiery Chariot in the presence of his Disciple Elisha |
Artist: C. Cooke
Engraver: Grignion |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Adad, King of Syria, Stifled to Death by Hazael, who succeeds him on the Throne |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Sharpe |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Ahab's Son Slain at one time by order of Jehu, the Son of Jehosophat, and their Heads cut off and sent to Jezreel |
Artist &
Engraver: unsigned |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Destruction of the Temple of Baal, with its Priests, false Prophets, & Worshippers, by order of Jehu, King of Israel |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Parker |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Zachariah Son of Jehoiaoa, the High Priest, Stoned to Death by order of King Joash |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Collyer |
$50 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Manasseh, King of Judah, loaded with Chains, and confined in Prison at Babylon by order of King Esarhaddon |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Collyer [sic] Collier |
(see stain upper right)
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
Delilah, after cutting Samson's Hair treacherously betraying him into the hands of the Philistines |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Collier |
$75 |
![The Triumph of David, after having slain the Giant Golioth [Goliath], the great Champion of the Philistine Army](images/Flavius Josephus 1790/David-Goliath-c.jpg) |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Triumph of David, after having slain the Giant Golioth [Goliath], the great Champion of the Philistine Army |
Artist: Trepisiani
Engraver: Tookey |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Apparition of Samuel raised by the Witch of Endor at the request of King Saul |
Artist: Salvator Rosa
Engraver: Noble |
$75 |
(Click image to enlarge. Darvill's digital watermark does not appear on print.) |
The Philistines cutting off the Heads of Saul and his three Sons after having defeated their Army near Mount Gilbou |
Artist: Metz
Engraver: Scot |
$75 |
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